"The Best Movies Ever!"
One of the greatest movies ever in the Jersey Devil's humble opinion is the BLUES BROTHERS. The amount of comedy by Belushi and Akroyd is priceless, not to mention the huge amount of stars that play supporting rolls. Anyone who has ever seen it can agree that the laughs and the police car crashes just don't stop. There are thousands of quotes from it that people use everyday. The B.B. holds the record for most cars demolished in a movie making only to be challenged by its less then spectacular sequel in the year 2000.
It is one of those movies that every generation can watch, relate in some way and laugh, which is its true calling. From two "white guys in black suits who look like diamond merchants" (aretha franklin) to a Winnie full of country western singers being followed by two station-wagons full of Illinois Nazi's, you cant make that shit up.
As we all may or may not know, the soundtrack for this movie is awesome as well. If you don't know any of them, then your dead and missing out on life in general and I'm not going to sit here and....Sorry I get movie emotional.
All should see this movie and all will enjoy...More can be said but I don't like to ramble on (yeah right). I'm going back to the movie, yo somebody make me some popcorn!
Best song in the movie...Me thinks, it's "Think"
i like Rawhide in the country western bar
Dance With the Devil
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