First of all, big girls don't cry...Secondly I check my balls at the door when I go home.
I was trying to be sensitive but I forgot that you have to have feelings to get insulted. The truth only hurts when the person isn't delusional. Get a grip...and I am not talking about the Kung Foo grip you have on your member...Mr. Hairy Devil Palms. That's my comment and I am sticking to it...
Oh by the way, did you notice that I have changed the comments so you or anyone else can edit them if they want to...Pay attention. School is now in session.
Woops, walked into some weirdness here... ok. Just wanted to check out your blog because I saw you at Danger Seeker's, and any friend of dnager can't be all that bad...(quickly walking away now)
i am so dense, i just now noticed gadfly is wiping his paws on this. a case of reading a blog and liking without knowing the author. i should pay more attention to small details that are insignificant from now on.
First of all, big girls don't cry...Secondly I check my balls at the door when I go home.
I was trying to be sensitive but I forgot that you have to have feelings to get insulted. The truth only hurts when the person isn't delusional. Get a grip...and I am not talking about the Kung Foo grip you have on your member...Mr. Hairy Devil Palms. That's my comment and I am sticking to it...
Oh by the way, did you notice that I have changed the comments so you or anyone else can edit them if they want to...Pay attention. School is now in session.
Woops, walked into some weirdness here... ok. Just wanted to check out your blog because I saw you at Danger Seeker's, and any friend of dnager can't be all that bad...(quickly walking away now)
why...let the user beware all comments are final
sorry lilly...we are seeking counselor
Just walk away Lily...Step away from the counter. the gadfly might get cha
i am so dense, i just now noticed gadfly is wiping his paws on this. a case of reading a blog and liking without knowing the author. i should pay more attention to small details that are insignificant from now on.
Hey...??? Oh well, you can't win 'em all Rev!
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