Thursday, January 05, 2006

Don't Take My Nets Away From Me

NY/NJ Hitmen Cheerleaders

I know no one else cares but it's a shame that the Nets have to go to Brooklyn leaving NJ with only one, count 'em one professional sports team. We from The Garden State know that it is a good portion of our dough that supports the Knicks, Yanks, Mets, Rangers, etc., why did Bruce "the rat" Ratner have to buy the Nets and take them to Brooklyn. The area could support three teams as well as anywhere else in the country. We deserve our own teams at least in this market where we support the teams so New York gets the profit. I just doesn't make any sense to me. When the Nets entered the NBA, the league, the Knicks, and the 76'ers all conspired to make the Nets first ten years rocky but this is going to far (you can take away Dr.J but do you have to take the whole team). The Nets are finally good and deserve support, so what happens next should be of no surprise to anyone with a Jersey sort of sarcastic attitude. It just seems wrong and I think my days as an NBA fan are numbered...I mean first they take away the NJ Hitmen of the XFL and then they take my beloved Nets. There is nothing Jersey fresh about it.

PS - I don't know if you or anyone you know has heard the slogans for New Jersey be bandied about but my personal favorite is the following:



At 6:10 PM, January 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

last i checked, both the giants and jets played in NJ, although calling the jets "professional" would be a stretch. and what about the metrostars?

At 11:25 AM, January 09, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Soccer only counts as a sport when the World Cup is going on...As for the Giets and their new stadium, I am sure there will be no reference of NJ in the name. They are Jersey haters.


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