Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Freak of the Week

Sometimes the truth is scarier than fiction...See this for full story of Mike's current weirdeness.

Please see Link in the title for the previous Freak of the Week:


At 11:43 AM, January 25, 2006, Blogger thejerseydevil whispered...

i think he get freak of the year

At 11:45 AM, January 25, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Probably freak of the century if you ask me...It's sick but he has to move to the Arab Emirates to abuse children? How else and why else would the King of Pop move to a country that is opressive (albeit in a more relaxed way than some Muslim countries) towards woman who make up more than half his fan base. I'd like one of his fans to come on here and explain to me why he would move there...because he was opressed in the U.S.? If that was the case then he only had to move to the Bahamas or some other country...Why the Arab Emirates? Bahrain? He is dressed in the ritual garb woman where there? How do you justify and explain that? The people that support and justify his behavior are also worthy of Freak of the Week status...Hmmm...?


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