Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What's your call, should he leave office?

Recently a "friend of ours" was captured on video(and witnesses)and arrested for assaulting a bar owner after a long night of drinking. Now on its own this would be a fairly easy thing to judge, but this friend of ours is the newly elected (14 days ago) local councilman and the person he assaulted was his former employer.

It seems that the two had been playing "ball busting jokes" on each other all week that were minor. Except that after drinking Sambucca for several hours the "friend of ours" pushed his way through a fire door at his old employment at 2am. This not an unusual act because that's how you get more drinks after last call. He then walked toward the bar owner with his LEFT hand extended, for a hand shake. Once the owner took his left hand to shake, this friend of ours punched the owners head several times, until the employees of the bar pulled him off. Police were called and the security video consulted and this friend was arrested and place in a holding cell until his brother could post bail.

Now we have all been there where we fight our friends for no reason other then the whiskey told us that we could win...

He has expressed his apologizes and the two have decided not to press charges and all medical bills and damages will be covered by the friend. But this being a small NJ town, the police because there is a video want to go ahead with the charges. The people who lost to this individual during the last election are demanding he step down because its the "right thing to do."

Our "friend" is a young (30yrs old) guy trying to move ahead with his life and made a HUGE mistake. I don't feel that he should step down for a couple reasons. First because he will never be able to run for office again if he lets them push him out. Second the Mayor still feels like he can accomplish his job and deal with the consequences of this stupid act. Third it will show what kind of person he is, if he can get through this event and term with this being the only black eye he receives.

Granted he is a potato eater like me and some others and my friend so I may be biases, but I think this will be the life lesson that he needs to better himself and get his shite together and move on and do good things.


At 6:21 PM, January 18, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

I say we hang him, then we tar and feather him, tattoo him, and finally kill him. What's that Pee Wee...What'd you say?

Pee Wee said, "I say we let him go"

Oh well, there you have it...

At 4:44 PM, January 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

If hes a Democrat he should step down the drunken commie bastard.

At 7:43 AM, January 22, 2006, Blogger rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 whispered...

your town is exciting.

At 8:46 PM, January 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

your not talking bout me are you?

At 10:17 AM, January 23, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

No, Donk...This was a guy we grew up with...assuming that any of us really grew up...and apparently not. This story actually has been getting pretty good coverage unfortuantely. It appeared on CBS nightly news the other night. The crazy thing is that the guy who got pummeled isn't pressing charges. Only in dirty Jersey...

At 1:30 PM, January 23, 2006, Blogger thejerseydevil whispered...

i like that when we say "potato eater" we all have to check and ask if its us that got busted or someone we know


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