Whiskey Cures
When is "too much?" I believe that "too much" is in the eye of the person about to fall down. When three days of drinking hit so hard that you cant get drunk anymore and are actually in pain everytime your shot with beer chaser burns your throat, you must stop. (if your a pussy) A little pain never killed anyone and for that matter something that's worth doing is hard to accomplish.
This weekend I drank so much that my back started to spasm and locked up. Now most people would quit and pray for Monday so they could rest at work. Well since I have no job this was not an option. I decided that whiskey would be the best way to forget about all pain and make life a little more enjoyable while bills stack up and bank accounts are slowly drained. And let me tell you I was right, sweet bliss of a whiskey comma.
I woke up early this morning (8am) after a very, very late night (4am) and feel great. Insomnia gone for the moment, complete REM sleep achieved, stress gone, anxiety forgotten and it was the best rest I have had in years. Beats the hell out of a bottle of prozac for stress and ambient for sleep let me tell you.
Now I'm not saying that this choice is right for everybody but try it you might just like it.
I've accomplished more today then I have in weeks. Lined up a couple of job interviews, called a couple of girls (who hung up on me after they expressed their anger with not calling them back this weekend), I even built a pre-fab wardrobe closet in the garage.
Hell, I might have to do this more often
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Yes, Jane?
Sorry Devil but you keep setting em' up and I'll keep knocking em' down! I was actually hoping you'd call me an ass next...but I got impatient!
U had me at job interview. You slacker get a job.
I will no be censored with your comment moderation you commie gestapo faggot
i never heard such a strong arguement for getting drunk and passing out. fuel for er, thought.
i cant even laugh at your joke, because of the censership, i have no idea what your talking about...you ass!
I didn't censor anyone but myslef...those were my comments. I was just trying to elicit a response from you and it worked...Thanks for playing. We have lovely parting gifts waiting for you in the green room.
nice...take your ball home and cry, you know you want to
I'll reinsert what I said since you want me to...
Here it goes:
Comment # 1.)Perhaps the girls hung up on you because you don't have a job.
Comment # 2.) Yes I know I am a dick...I am sure that isn't why the girlz hung up on you...especially since I used to pull all the honeys when I was unemployed.
Comment # 3.) Bite me
now i feel much better...
Was I talking out loud? Sorry.
Dance With the Devil
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