Monday, February 20, 2006

Bin Laden Vows Never to Be Captured Alive

Well who wants him alive anyway...Save the world some pain and money and time and shoot a five dollar bullet in his forehead and be done with it...Oh, and have a nice day!


At 10:27 AM, February 21, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

If we could find him, I think they would put a bullet in his head. The problem is that unlike Kenny, he isn't accident prone and people actually want to keep him alive. But everyone gets tired of running at some point and they eventually make a lazy mistake...that's when special op's will pick him up...and hopefully they don't bring him back alive.

At 3:25 PM, February 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

Here's an interesting tie-in to one of your posts on Aurora, GF. We had a clear shot at OBL back in 1999 or 2000, according to some reports. (This is from a documentary on the History channel, so take it for what it's worth; if true, it is pretty scary) He was at one of his terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. We didn't off him then because the CIA indentified a private jet from the UAE in close proximity to the camp. They scrubbed the attack, not wanting the political fallout that may ensue if they took out a UAE prince at the same time. So OBD goes on to wreak havoc, and the UAE goes on to take over the ports in the USA. As every Star Wars character worth their salt would say, "I got a bad feeling about this."

At 4:49 PM, February 21, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Port Gate is not a done deal...That issue w/OBL happened under Bill Clinto, and he is notorious for having no balls...anyway, the world, even the Arab world as a whole would have understood especially then...before 9/11 and the subsequent shock and awe which could have been prevented...if Clinto had Osama taken out.

At 7:13 PM, February 21, 2006, Blogger thejerseydevil whispered...

Smell Ya Later!


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