Sunday, February 05, 2006

Family Guy Quote of the Weekend

TELEVISION ANNOUNCER: We now return to the Smurfs...(on television screen)
Smurf #1: Hey, did you have a good time last night?
Smurf #2: Smurf-tacular!
Smurf #1: Yeah, I saw you leave with Smurfette.
Smurf #2: Oh man, as soon as we got out of the bar, she started smurfing me.
Smurf #1: Shut the Smurf up!
Smurf #2: Yeah!
Smurf #1: Right in the Smurfing parking lot?
Smurf #2: Smurf-Yeah!
Smurf #1: Oh! That is freaking Smurf!


At 11:31 AM, February 05, 2006, Blogger thejerseydevil whispered...

100 males, one female and they are all do the math


Dance With the Devil

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