Freak Of The Week
First Ozzie Guillen was quoted by SI as saying,"He knew he wasn't going to play for the Dominicans. He's not a Dominican. I hate hypocrites. He's full of (bleep),"
Then he quickly changed his tune and tried to take it all back by saying, "I don't call him a hypocrite in that way. Alex is not a hypocrite. I was just trying to say he doesn't have to please people. He doesn't have to make people from the United States or from the Dominican Republic or from Venezuela happy. When you do that, you sound like you are a hypocrite. You say, 'Hey I want to play for the United States and that's the team I belong on,' move on and that's it."
Earlier this month, Guillen chose not to go to the White House when he was informed that only the team would be making the trip which is pretty standard. Did his family win the World Series or was it his team? This guy is a joke...he obviously thinks A-Rod is a hypocrite but he doesn't have the juevos or conviction to stand by the stupid things constantly coming out of his mouth. Guillen has always been a classless joke but now that he's got a little bit of clout in baseball with a World Series Title under his belt, you can bet we'll hear more ignorant blanketed statements from this loser...and I predict it will get him fired eventually.
This in response from Ken Williams, the White Sox GM after having to put out the fire that his idiot manager ignited, "Ozzie is still growing into his position and the responsibility of his position, as well as am I," Williams said. "We'll continue to evolve in a way that is first class. ... We want to win in a first-class manner and be known as a first-class organization. We got a little bit of work to do, but we'll keep at it."
Please See Link in Title for the Previous Freak (Kerwin) of the Week
It figures you guys would have a website with men kissing. You fucking homos
hey kerwin! you must have forgotten...we're NOT homos. we're canadian!
I am not Kerwin!!! Why does everybody on this blog think that?
i did not say you were Kerwin, kerwin. learn the lingo...
You are a Kerwin...that's an anonymous poster. Besides, haven't you ever seen a grown man naked. Ever been to a Turkish prison?
oh now I get it. Sickos
he needs to be drumed out or learn to shut his fat mouth when a camera or tape recorder is on...
True Dat...True Dat...True Do Dat Dat Dat...
What would Frank Zappa and the Mothers say about this?
Tell me about this Kerwin person. It intrigues me that you mention him/her so often.
Dance With the Devil
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