Monday, February 27, 2006

Update (because no-one cares)

Well folks sorry I haven't been around too much lately, IM sure you noticed, but I went and got myself a job, I know I am ashamed of myself for it already. The funny part about this job is that its all computers, even the phone is answered and rings through the computer and I don't even have a desk there yet, let alone a computer. So its kinds of an ideal job, I get paid for nothing until they set me up a desk. IM sure I just cursed myself and when I get in today it will all be there ready to go. Oh well, good things cant last forever, I blame Murphy and his stupid Law.

For those of you who don't know the Craic-Head has been sold into relationship slavery and has been uprooted and moved far away into the abyss of Bedminster NJ. This wouldn't be so bad except that the poor lad is miles from a liquor store or bar, towns and highways away from friends and family. And being the good friends and family we are none of us will go visit him because, well, frankly were lazy. He has fallen to the darkside not even the light of bagpipe practice and whiskey can show him the way to the light. According to my source who will remain nameless, The B, he has tendered his resignation to the pipeband and now will be living a life in solitude from his "no good bagpipe friends!" I was going to plan a jailbreak but that never works out to well for the Irish, someone always dies going over the wall.

Now I know that the Gadfly will jump in here and give all kinds of reasons on why this is a good thing and that I and others will understand better when were are in a relationship similar to Gadfly's and Craic-Head. (his typical excuse when he's not allowed out to play) But I say that's bunk and to keep your "Driving to Conn., bored out of my mind, wife's tool-bag friends" yap closed!

Gadfly was lucky to be out of town a little because The Mattress Cowboys were out again this weekend and looking for a new home to ravage and we all know the like to make the Gadflys life hard. (burn!, burn!, spill!, spill!, punch!, punch!)

Now my new job for today will be a late night, so I expect there to be a 30pack of the REDDOG at the B-Square Bar and large bowl of pretzels, followed by a viewing of the Family Guy and a round or two of Grand Theft Auto or heads will roll!

Oh and Thanks to all who attended the BLESSING OF THE TRI COLORS this weekend and hope to see you all at the St. Paddy's Day Party in March!

Craic-Head let me know when you need a map and a compass to find your way back to MO-TOWN for beers and a WEE Touch!


At 11:53 AM, February 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

Her friend's aren't tool bags but I don't have to defend them as one of them just received a Masters from BC and the other one is finishing their law degree at Harvard I'm sure they wouldn't have to explain themselves to a non-desk having O'tool bag such as yourself...congratulations on your job though. I'm sure you will want to kill yourself soon as I do every day. I am glad you are bringing beers over tonight, I will be there and we will B-squared. Call your brother in law as I haven't seen him in a while either so he must need a break from married life! Do you like the picture I found of you and put in the top corner of the page? Good likeness, eh? Be quiet about this one but Mrs. Fly shall be away for a week in the near future on business...How many hours of GTA does that allow me?

At 3:12 PM, February 27, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

You want Uncle Craicer to touch your Wee? Careful he doesn't drop it...

PS - I don't hate you Kerwin...We know you're there. I just wanted a nickname that sounded like the Terminator(aka-the Sherminator)


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