Monday, March 06, 2006

the pipes the pipes are calling

Dont forget that the Morristown, West Orange and Jersey City Parades are this weekend...Rock out with your pipes out!...Someone buy me a pint of Guinness !


At 9:44 AM, March 07, 2006, Blogger thejerseydevil whispered...

...they were made and played in Ireland and later brought to Scottland (means Land of Irish)where it was developed more as an insturment then a tool of war, highland bagpipes -Scottish, Warpipes - Irish

At 12:50 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Scotland was named by the Romans...basically meaning little Ireland. Look it up. I am not sure why the Devil's a dope here but I'm pretty sure why you are...

At 12:52 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

The German (penguin) looks kind of different in that picture...

At 2:47 PM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

And since you spend a good deal of time here, listening to us, reading our posts...well, what does that make you? You must be addicted to dope.

At 3:36 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Uh oh, you are getting soft on us Colonel...don't say anything nice about us. It'll go to our heads and then soon enough we'll be acting all Hollywood around here!

At 11:02 AM, March 08, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

That's more like it I sort of said, it takes one to know one. I'm glad you're small enough to not admit it.

At 12:54 PM, March 08, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Yes, thank you...actually, I am mad stupid dope.

At 2:31 PM, March 08, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Excuse me stewardess but do you speak slang? What I meant to say is,"I'm crazy retarded frsh"...which is to say that,"I am wicked awesome nice" you follow? Stick around and maybe you can be as dope as I am...someday? Be patient Colonel, Rome wasn't built in a day.

At 1:30 PM, March 09, 2006, Blogger rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 whispered...

wil wheaton, your writing brother in arms needs your help.

thanks for your kindness.

At 4:29 PM, March 09, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Blasphemy, calling the honorable Rev a dope! Be nice...


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