Bars Gone Smokeless
Can I tell you that I went to the pub the other night after bagpipe practice and I felt and uneasiness. The beer was cold, the women hot and the conversation alive but it felt like everyone in the place was uncomfortable. It was like a Twilight Zone episode that wouldn't end. People kept disappearing for a half hour at a time. I think I hate this new law and when it was first proposed I really didn't care one way or the other. Having worked in bars a good portion of my life I just always thought that smoking went hand and hand drinking. Like two hillbilly cousin's who got married down in some trailer park in Alabama.
People in the bar seemed unable to think and the poor slobs who were so addicted to smoking who had to stand outside in the rain and cold must have some serious illnesses by now.
You would think that after all the money smokers pay in taxes and general price just to have cigs to smoke that they would be allowed to do it in peace with a beverage (white Russian) in there hands. Hell even the Dude like a smoke and a beverage now and again.
As much as I hate being trapped in a small unventilated room with smoker, I miss the atmosphere that it brings to a dank, grumpy old man bar that serves a hell of a Caucasian.
Well i guess if the Donkey can get use to it in NY then we can give it a roll here in NJ...but at least here if we hate a law for long enough the make exceptions to it that its like it never exsisted. Then again, we had a gay Gov. and nobody knew it and worse nobody cared.
"Yo, if I wanted to smoke tobacco I'd get a skinny white bitch. I know that Phat Lip carries a pack to kill the nicotine itch...but don't pass me that mess or even try to protest that it was adding to the flavor cause the old one was fine. Won't you pack the pipe and keep it moving down the line"
From Bizzare Ride III - Booty Brown
I'm trying to quit, and even though I will never become one of those hypocrite ex-smokers, I think the law might help me out...
i am a non smoker, never have never will, but i am 100% anti these laws.
no smoking on airplanes or in restaurants doesn't bother me, but in a bar?
Stupid. I can't believe we allow these laws to pass. Next they'll say no drinking at the craps table, and then the shit is gonna hit the fan!
I can't really think of another product that the governemnt says it okay for them to tax, for businesses to sell, but not to use. It is certainly queer. In fact it is really odd that you can buy cigarettes in a bar, pay the taxes on them, but not use them?! It seems un-American but the liberal states are pushing it. They say it dangerous to employees of bars and restaurants. What if I was to say then that people with Aids can't go to or work in bars or Restaurants? They could get a cut and transmit Aids to me if I also have an open wound. This is dangerous to me. Look, people with Aids can still have Aids in their homes or in their cars but not in places of business. It's insane that the government could even rationalize a law like this but they would, could and have...totally un-American.
Plus it's not a proven fact that second hand smoke causes any harm or any more harm then breathing our air. It's just a theory like greenhous gases, the ozone, and global warming. The government doesn't care about any of that...They'd either tax it or outlaw it if they could.
rhino, the shite has hit the table. but not the tables...a.c. cacinos have an "exemption" under the current law. think donald trump, jim florio, etc., etc. i do appreciate the democratic influence when it means that i can smoke my brains out while losing a ton of $$$ in atlantic city. i appreciate their lack of respect for health and such high minded subjects when looking out for the big time money makers in Atlantic City...God Bless America...
wow so the bar owners needed more lobbying money/campaign contributions and they would have avoided this whole thing. Trump showing us the way?
a pic of my mainmost man, cool.
Nixon can roll man...guy can roll.
Dance With the Devil
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