Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Some say the devil is dead...

Some say the devil is dead, the devil is dead, the devil is dead,
Some say the devil is dead and buried in Killarney
More say he rose again, more say he rose again, more say he rose again,
and joined the British army...
Oh wait, that's the wrong devil. But since the the good old JD has been conspicuously absent from these pages for a while, it was only natural that whisperings concerning his fate should start circulating. What else could possibly keep him from sharing his wisdom with us on a regular basis? It would seem that he has joined other legendary figures either in death or in self-imposed exile. Amelia Earhart, Jim Morrison, and now, perhaps the Jersey Devil.
Like all tragic pop cultural icons who disappear under mysterious circumstances, his uncertain fate has spawned an outbreak of JD related merchandise. Books are being written, benefit concerts planned, and albums produced. There may even possibly be a reunion tour by former Jersey boys From Good Homes held in his honor. The true indication of his impact is the recent release of a video game bearing his name and likeness. But will the masses who gobble up the crass comercialization of the JD truly appreciate all that he has meant to those who knew him? Can he succeed in preserving a dignified legacy where so many others have failed?
Even now, somebody claiming to be the JD has resurfaced, making comments about being denied access to a certain baseball-themed blog. Is this truly the Jersey Devil, or just some kerwin looking to cash in on his fame? Have the rumors of his untimely demise been greatly exaggerated? There is only one way to find out. JD, when you get home from work today, put on your JOHNNY DAMON jersey and watch the Yankees. Maybe having a real ballplayer wearing #18 will inspire you, somehow...


At 11:43 AM, April 04, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

He may not be dead but he is surely forgotten...giving working stiff a whole new meaning!

At 2:23 PM, April 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

Irish Night at Shea is ...Saturday, August 26. Lets get a head count going.

At 10:17 PM, April 04, 2006, Blogger thejerseydevil whispered...

you guys want to pay all my bills and i will write on this thing everyday...and drink all night...remember i'm only the jersey devil not Lucifer, he gets all the perks and health benny's... you should see the new ballpark hes building in lower depths of hell...its gonna rock

At 10:32 PM, April 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

don't you mean "she?"


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