Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Family Guy Quote for the Jersey Devil's Birthday

Peter (when he's hungover):
This sucks worse than that time I went to that museum.
(Flashback to childhood, standing in museum looking at dinosaur skeltons.)
Peter (as a child):
Why did all the dinosaurs die out?
Man at Museum: Because you touch yourself at night.


At 2:38 PM, September 27, 2006, Blogger Mookie McFly whispered...

Click the link in the title for more Family Guy quotes...

Happy Birthday you drunk Mexican!

At 10:57 PM, September 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

yeah happy birthday, boss man. sorry i missed the newark seisiun. i'll make up for it on saturday by drinking all your beer and eating all your food...

At 9:17 PM, April 04, 2007, Blogger stelios the big easy guy whispered...

911 was an inside job. Bush and Silverstein did it themselves.
**TRUTH** and the same goes for 7/7 9 news


Dance With the Devil

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