Freak of the Week
Cindy says,"he is ten times the terrorist that Osama ever was.", referring of course to the one & only George W. Bush...I didn't think things could get any wackier but now she is implying that GW stole her dentures!!! Come on Cindy, I think it's been about fifteen minutes now...let's get someone credible to lead the anti-war movement...What was that? John Kerry, Howard Dean, The Reverend Al, or Jesse Jackson? Sorry Cindy, I don't think they're any better than you. Maybe, Bill Clinton ,you say? Once again, I think you missed something Cindy because he is the one that signed up Haliburton to rebuild Iraq. Oh well, I guess we're stuck with you for now.
I hope all the good that her kid did in the military cancels all the bad she did after he gave his life...she is just selfish and shameful
the dentures thing was so funny i spit mine out.
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