-All Shanty Potato Eatin' Irish Need Apply-
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Freak of the Week
Cindy says,"he is ten times the terrorist that Osama ever was.", referring of course to the one & only George W. Bush...I didn't think things could get any wackier but now she is implying that GW stole her dentures!!! Come on Cindy, I think it's been about fifteen minutes now...let's get someone credible to lead the anti-war movement...What was that? John Kerry, Howard Dean, The Reverend Al, or Jesse Jackson? Sorry Cindy, I don't think they're any better than you. Maybe, Bill Clinton ,you say? Once again, I think you missed something Cindy because he is the one that signed up Haliburton to rebuild Iraq. Oh well, I guess we're stuck with you for now.
Monday, January 30, 2006
"The Best Movies Ever!"
One of the greatest movies ever in the Jersey Devil's humble opinion is the BLUES BROTHERS. The amount of comedy by Belushi and Akroyd is priceless, not to mention the huge amount of stars that play supporting rolls. Anyone who has ever seen it can agree that the laughs and the police car crashes just don't stop. There are thousands of quotes from it that people use everyday. The B.B. holds the record for most cars demolished in a movie making only to be challenged by its less then spectacular sequel in the year 2000.
It is one of those movies that every generation can watch, relate in some way and laugh, which is its true calling. From two "white guys in black suits who look like diamond merchants" (aretha franklin) to a Winnie full of country western singers being followed by two station-wagons full of Illinois Nazi's, you cant make that shit up.
As we all may or may not know, the soundtrack for this movie is awesome as well. If you don't know any of them, then your dead and missing out on life in general and I'm not going to sit here and....Sorry I get movie emotional.
All should see this movie and all will enjoy...More can be said but I don't like to ramble on (yeah right). I'm going back to the movie, yo somebody make me some popcorn!
I Need Sleep!!!
Let me tell you that the worst thing in the world is INSOMNIA! There is nothing worse in my opinion, its even twice as bad that I have no job and I cant sleep. So I goto interviews feeling like hell, stay at buddies houses(unless its date night, then I'm not allowed over) playing Grand Theft Auto or drinking at bars way too late because I know that when I get home the torture begins. I think I'm going back to my old method of drinking whiskey until I fall down. At least then I can grab a couple of "Z's" without going nuts and ending up on my own Freak post. Being awake when no one else was use to be a major part of my job. We would work 12 hour shifts from 7pm to 7am and then I would goto another job until it was time to go back to the first job. You don't miss sleep when your busy, its when you have no job or activity to fill that void that you really notice. People be glad that I no longer have access to an armory of weapons or else by now I would be on a large tower in the middle of Morristown waiting for last call at the bars. I feel like that guy who has been hickuping for 30 years and all he can say is "kill me!" in between.
The only good part of insomnia is the fact that the book I am writing is getting done really fast. There is no better motivation then the need to stay active just because your awake. I have to get a hobby.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Quote for the Weekend
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming - WOW - What a Ride!" - unknown
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
For Appearances Sake - Drum Roll Please
The Means Meant the End
The Aurora
Dr. Jim Shitz - A.K.A. "The Garbageman"
The Reverend Billy Bob Gisher
An American Irish Lass in Africa
Sir Maitiu Delacraicer
Dumb All Over (And a Little Ugly on the Side)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Comment Deleted
Comment Deleted by Author...
Hes taking his ball home to cry
thats just weak sauce, stand by your insults
at least long enough for me to read them
(this maybe a bit over the line, but who cares)
Monday, January 23, 2006
Whiskey Cures
When is "too much?" I believe that "too much" is in the eye of the person about to fall down. When three days of drinking hit so hard that you cant get drunk anymore and are actually in pain everytime your shot with beer chaser burns your throat, you must stop. (if your a pussy) A little pain never killed anyone and for that matter something that's worth doing is hard to accomplish.
This weekend I drank so much that my back started to spasm and locked up. Now most people would quit and pray for Monday so they could rest at work. Well since I have no job this was not an option. I decided that whiskey would be the best way to forget about all pain and make life a little more enjoyable while bills stack up and bank accounts are slowly drained. And let me tell you I was right, sweet bliss of a whiskey comma.
I woke up early this morning (8am) after a very, very late night (4am) and feel great. Insomnia gone for the moment, complete REM sleep achieved, stress gone, anxiety forgotten and it was the best rest I have had in years. Beats the hell out of a bottle of prozac for stress and ambient for sleep let me tell you.
Now I'm not saying that this choice is right for everybody but try it you might just like it.
I've accomplished more today then I have in weeks. Lined up a couple of job interviews, called a couple of girls (who hung up on me after they expressed their anger with not calling them back this weekend), I even built a pre-fab wardrobe closet in the garage.
Hell, I might have to do this more often
Nice People Are Boring
This weekend, I was hanging out with some friends...and a couple of their friends. One of THEIR friends, began a story like this: "So this girl turns, looks at me, and she throws a beer bottle at me that nearly takes my head off...and it smashes into the wall behind me". Instantly intrigued, my ears tingled and I turned to catch the tale. But instead what I got was a synopsis of who was there, how she knows them, how much drinks cost at the bar that night, the exact location of the incindent, the proximity of the moon in relation to the Earth, the baby names she is kicking around, and what tastes good on hot dogs...By the time she got to the actual story, it was too late because I was in the process of throwing a fully loaded beer can at her head. In doing so, I guarantee that she will almost assuredly bore some other poor unsuspecting soul with a tale about an AFC championship football game that she was watching when some guy turned and threw a fully loaded beer can at her...then she will recite to them the letters in the alphabet that she likes, the ones she tries to avoid, the new car smell in her best friend's Diamante, the direction of the wind during said occurence, and the places she'd like to go on vacation...
I didn't throw a beer can at her...that wouldn't have been cool. But I still don't know why the girl in the bar threw it at her either. I know everything else that I never wanted to know though which leads me to the point. Nice people are boring. No one in her story cursed. No one acted foolish or did something disturbing to anyone else. Did she ever reach that point? I am not sure because I stopped listening after twenty minutes (I'm being nice about the twenty minutes thing too). It really is a shame too because this person seems like a super nice person (which is how I am sure that she would describe a person that she likes). And before you think I am going to say that this is a female trait, it is not a burden of women alone. Knowing some rather boring men, I can assure you that this type of situation happens all the time. "Yeah so I went to pick up some cash at the ATM, and I decided to stop and get a car wash...I didn't pay for the wax though because I only had fifteen minutes before my doctor's appointment" and so on and so on...GET TO THE POINT! They never do though and this in and of itself is the reason that I wanted to post this imperative plea to all the nice people in the world...and I am sorry if this is insensitive but here I go:
Quote of the Week (Family Guy)
Quagmire: I felt guilty once, but she woke up halfway through.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
What's your call, should he leave office?
Recently a "friend of ours" was captured on video(and witnesses)and arrested for assaulting a bar owner after a long night of drinking. Now on its own this would be a fairly easy thing to judge, but this friend of ours is the newly elected (14 days ago) local councilman and the person he assaulted was his former employer.
It seems that the two had been playing "ball busting jokes" on each other all week that were minor. Except that after drinking Sambucca for several hours the "friend of ours" pushed his way through a fire door at his old employment at 2am. This not an unusual act because that's how you get more drinks after last call. He then walked toward the bar owner with his LEFT hand extended, for a hand shake. Once the owner took his left hand to shake, this friend of ours punched the owners head several times, until the employees of the bar pulled him off. Police were called and the security video consulted and this friend was arrested and place in a holding cell until his brother could post bail.
Now we have all been there where we fight our friends for no reason other then the whiskey told us that we could win...
He has expressed his apologizes and the two have decided not to press charges and all medical bills and damages will be covered by the friend. But this being a small NJ town, the police because there is a video want to go ahead with the charges. The people who lost to this individual during the last election are demanding he step down because its the "right thing to do."
Our "friend" is a young (30yrs old) guy trying to move ahead with his life and made a HUGE mistake. I don't feel that he should step down for a couple reasons. First because he will never be able to run for office again if he lets them push him out. Second the Mayor still feels like he can accomplish his job and deal with the consequences of this stupid act. Third it will show what kind of person he is, if he can get through this event and term with this being the only black eye he receives.
Granted he is a potato eater like me and some others and my friend so I may be biases, but I think this will be the life lesson that he needs to better himself and get his shite together and move on and do good things.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
The Real Jersey Devil
(See Link in Title)
The story goes that a woman who practiced witchcraft had a child...The subject of her mate and the NJ Devil's father varies form the devil himself, to a British soldier during the Revolution, to a gang rape, and the hits just keep on coming...He lives in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey's southern region. He mainly appears and eats chickens, deer, and the occasional human child, usually smaller fare leaving only the bones as evidence. Occasionally the tale varies in that the Devil as a child was a disabled human infant abandoned to the Barrens for his hideous appearance and that he now wants vengance. Either way, the Pine Barrens are a scary place and I would like to open a challenge to anyone who can prove the Jersey Devil's existence. I am a beleiver however, contrary to popular belief, I am not stupid. I've seen the X-Files & I've also seen the Sopranos where Paulie & Christopher get lost in the Pine Barrens chasing the Russian mobster...So anyway, good luck in your findings. I've posted a couple of pictures so you know what you are looking for:
This could be the NJ Devil
or this
Or this
Or quite possibly it could be this
Happy Hunting...
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Freak Of the Week
Over at The Aurora, we have a tried & true post of the week with a scantily clad babe who is thusly pronounced our Mascot of the Week. Since this site is entertaining the idea of being strictly Jersey guys...well I thought it would be appropriate that we have a mascot of the week who holds none of the above mentioned qualities but rather represents our Jersey status. New Jersey is well known for it's freaks. We have midget villages, haunted insane asylums, etc., etc....And so without further interruption, I present the initial Freak of the Week, a cat born to a family in Portland, Oregon with only one eye:
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Indoor-smoking ban takes effect April 15 2006 in NJ
Well I know that a lot of my friends are going to be pissed off by this fact, but me, not so much. As of April 15th no smoking will be the norm in all bars, clubs and restaurants in New Jersey. As a former bartender in one of the smokiest bars in the world, it never really bothered me and it was just expecpted that smoke would saturate your clothes and lungs at the bar.
But as much as I like this idea I do believe that it will hurt, at first, for bars to go this route. Although nothing is going to stop people from drinking at bars I believe that bars should have the choice to make themselves a smoking or non-smoking establishment. That way people could decide for themselves if they wanted to go there or not.
I think all smokers knew that this day was coming sooner or later. I say quit, it means more money for booze.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Quote of The Week
"Joblessness is no longer just for philosophy majors, useful people are now starting to feel the pinch." - Kent Brockman
Friday, January 06, 2006
Here's to the first of the day!
Do you know what I'm sick of, I'm sick and tired of not having that beautiful life that all those wonderful beer commercials promised. Where are the bikini clad girls washing my antique car while tapping two kegs of black beer that never seem to get emptied. Where are the fast boats that are anchored next to mine that seem empty until I open a can or ice down a 30 pack and college coeds come pouring out of the doors and driving up on jetski's.
Promises were made, money exchanged hands. Yet all I have to show for the sheer amounts of excess is a hard liver, high blood pressure, and a constant desire for more.
Guinness is good for me, bud is king, I am a high life man, these are my montra's. These are ingrained in my mind and cant be escaped. Drinking is my main vise and I want those perks that they show on TV, billboards, girls swimsuits, neon ads....
Well I'm outta here, I'm hitting hennessey's for liquid lunch, anyone want to join me?
Here's to the first of the day!!!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Don't Take My Nets Away From Me
NY/NJ Hitmen Cheerleaders
I know no one else cares but it's a shame that the Nets have to go to Brooklyn leaving NJ with only one, count 'em one professional sports team. We from The Garden State know that it is a good portion of our dough that supports the Knicks, Yanks, Mets, Rangers, etc., why did Bruce "the rat" Ratner have to buy the Nets and take them to Brooklyn. The area could support three teams as well as anywhere else in the country. We deserve our own teams at least in this market where we support the teams so New York gets the profit. I just doesn't make any sense to me. When the Nets entered the NBA, the league, the Knicks, and the 76'ers all conspired to make the Nets first ten years rocky but this is going to far (you can take away Dr.J but do you have to take the whole team). The Nets are finally good and deserve support, so what happens next should be of no surprise to anyone with a Jersey sort of sarcastic attitude. It just seems wrong and I think my days as an NBA fan are numbered...I mean first they take away the NJ Hitmen of the XFL and then they take my beloved Nets. There is nothing Jersey fresh about it.
PS - I don't know if you or anyone you know has heard the slogans for New Jersey be bandied about but my personal favorite is the following:
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Quote of The Week
""The Jersey girl...a love of an unpretentious good time, and a certain sense of style. Jersey girls are about attitude. They're about eating pizza, drinking beer, having great hair - and enjoying it all...She's got a mouth on her. She says what she means. And she's got a nice, cheerful laugh...Bottom line, all of them are sexy as hell." -The Star Ledger"